Thursday, February 14, 2013

Question 2: What are you passionate about?

This is a good question...  I rarely use the word passionate when describing something; instead I tend to use less emotional terms.  I'm certainly an avid fan of geeky TV shows like Dr. Who, Star Trek, etc, but I don't think passionate is the proper term for my fandom.  I suppose I could even claim to be passionate about my love of Capt. Picard.  After all, I do own a six-foot cardboard cutout of him.

But, now is not the time to cop out and go with the easy answer. Now is the time to dig deeper...  So, what am I passionate about? I'm passionate about learning new things. I especially love knowing weird, inane facts.  Which also helps with my performance at trivia, so I get a benefit of that.  I'm passionate about needed my own time and space alone. It's something people don't always understand, but too much social activity, too many people, it's draining.  I have a need to take time in my own space.  I'm passionate about needing to reconnect to the outdoors, at least on a minor basis. I'm certainly not one of those people who can hike 20 miles a day and camp out for weeks at a time, but I do find that getting out in the woods for a couple hours can be incredibly healing.  I'm passionate about my daughter, who is the first and only person I can say I have ever loved with complete abandon. The day she entered my life, everything changed.  No matter how many times I want to strangle her (which is pretty frequently now that she's 14 years old), I still have that fierce, overwhelming love and need to protect and care for her.  

I guess that's a good start.

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