Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "I drank what?"

Wow, I really must look awful, posting my father's eulogy. Have I mentioned that I have bad days? Yeah, I guess this kind of proves that... Anyway, I feel the need to try to counter the bad mojo that I'm spreading over the intertubes and am going to make a list of things that make me happy... I'd also like to think of it as a counterpoint to the 9,999 Things...

So here goes...

1) Real Genius - Real Genius (hence the title) is indicative of one of those films that no matter how low you feel, it can always make you laugh. It's probably one of my favorite films of all time. I'm sure many would agree...

2) This.

Seriously, what can be more fun than messing around with Dick Cheney? Or this could just be further proof of how easily amused I really am... Yeah, that's probably it. I am pretty gleeful about the fact that he will not be vice-president much longer and will soon have to return to the lands of Mordor. And I am not ashamed of this.

3) Stupid jokes - I might be returning to maudlin territory, but I really enjoyed when my father would call me randomly to tell me bad jokes that he read in Boys Life Magazine. (truly a boy scout to the end...) In fact, I find myself telling Jaime the very same terrible jokes and get a real sense of enjoyment out of them. It's nice to pass things down to further generations...

4)The Indigo Girls - There is no bad mood that singing along with the Indigo Girls in your car can't cure. Trust me.

5) A good meal - I always say that I am a horribly cheap person when it comes to shopping. However, I have no compunction in laying down my money in the pursuit of a truly good meal. I love to eat. Not just to eat, but eating really good food. It is truly a great joy in my life. Especially if it's a filet mignon at Moretti's. There's just nothing better...

Well, I guess that's a good start. It's probably time to stop before I start singing Kumbahyah. (Though in my defense, I HATE that freakin' song...)

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