Saturday, November 01, 2008

Post-Halloween Round Up

So, my favorite holiday has come and gone. Sigh... Jaime dressed up as a zombie schoolgirl. Someone else referred to her as "Dead Britney", which was also a pretty amusing take on the outfit. Anyways, here she is in all her glory.

The weather was perfect for trick or treating. Nice and bright out, stars everywhere, just slight chill in the air, but warm enough that you didn't have to throw a jacket over your costume. We could not have asked for better.

Plus, the neighborhood was absolutely overrun with kids. I was able to give away almost all the candy, so I was happy. I am slightly disappointed that I didn't get around to buying extra decorations, but unfortunately with recent circumstances, I just didn't have the motivation to go shopping. Still, the stuff I already had still looks just as cool the second time around, so I guess I can't complain.

After trick or treating, we went to a friend's house for their son's Halloween party. And partook in my new Halloween tradition, The Flaming Pumpkin.

The idea came from Extreme Pumpkins, home of the famous Puking Pumpkin, which I have also used to great effect a couple times... Basically, you take a roll of toilet paper, soak it in lamp oil (or kerosene) for 24 hours, place it in the pumpkin and light it up!

Looking at this picture, I realize how crazily unsafe this looks, especially with all the grass around and the stump behind the pumpkin. In fact, the younger children were the only voices of reason to bring up that "maybe this is not a good idea." It worked, though, and it looked awesome, so I really don't care. Believe it or not, the pumpkin actually insulates the fire and stays cool to the touch. I don't know if it's the water inside the rind or what, but it was a neat bonus.

Anyway, a good time was had by all...

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