Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A moment of dispair averted in the grocery store

So, I've been getting worried that the folks at the P&C are finally starting to catch on that someone can't spell. They finally noticed the "Gaterade" sign and replaced it, as well as "flip fops". In fact last week, this was the only new sign I could find...

I didn't originally post it because I wasn't sure how many people are familiar with whoopie pies in the first place, so they just might not get the joke. Personally, I'm not a big fan of them simply because so much sugar in one package is a recipe for instant insulin shock.

I've always liked Bill Murray's line in What About Bob? when he says, "There are two types of people in this world. Those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't. My ex-wife loves him." (I'll just let you ponder which one I am without telling, but I'm thinking you'll probably guess right.) Anyways, the same thing applies to food. There are sugar people and there are salt/grease people. I am strongly in the salt/grease camp.

But I digress... I was talking about the lack of decent signs. Yesterday I was worried again because no new signs! Did they finally catch on to my game? What else am I going to document for entertainment? This was causing me serious stress...

So when I was in the checkout aisle, moping disappointedly, I looked over and spotted this...

Thank you P&C. Thank you for not letting me down.

1 comment:

Bancha S. said...

Even if they are catching on, it's important work you've done in archiving the store's history!

And what does your kid think when you're out shopping, and taking pictures of grocery signs?

Do you take them on the sly, or what?