Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday funtime...

So, things are getting to the point where my dad really can't be left home by himself for more than a short period of time, so I ended up taking the rest of today off to sit with him while my mom and brother run various errrands and pack up the rest of her office. Starting next week she'll be working from home full time, so that's a good thing.

It has not been a good day. Dad's not allowed to have control of his cigarettes anymore because he started to doze off while smoking and then it dropped on his chest. He would have set himself on fire if someone hadn't been there. Instead, he gets them one at a time so we can be sure he doesn't accidentally burn the house down. Anyways, he got very angry with me because I wouldn't give him the entire pack of cigarettes, accused me of picking sides with my mother, that I was taking away one of his few pleasures left and generally made me feel terrible. I cried, which I really hate doing.

I don't like having to do these things and feel like I'm being mean to him. I know that this is supposed to be in his best interests, but it still sucks to have to be put in this position. They don't talk about these kinds of situations when they talk about being a caregiver...

Anyway, Jimmy gave me a pep talk and reminded me that the stuff my dad is saying isn't really him. It's more him being sick and lashing out because he's angry at the situation. I just have to keep that in perspective, I guess.


Sheila said...

Cigarettes especially can turn normal people into fiends. I have seen it happen to my own mom.

I miss you! I would love to come out and see you before the weather turns too bad for travel. Work is a little nutty right now, but let me know what is up in your next few months - as best you can anyway.


Katrina Stanton said...

Love your blog!
I've been where you are with your dad, sounds a lot like when my dad was sick.