Tuesday, September 23, 2008

(Insert pithy comment here. I'm not up to the task right now...)

Things are looking bad right now for my father. Really bad. I took this morning off from work and watched Walker Texas Ranger with him today. Let me tell you, that is love. Not only is Walker Texas Ranger one of the worst shows on the planet, but I also hate Chuck Norris. I don't care if he's an internet sensation; the man is an utter tool. He also doesn't believe in evolution. I think I'm going to turn my hatred of Chuck Norris into one of the 9,999 Things to Be Pissed About. That should give me an outlet for my anger...

But I digress, I may hate Chuck Norris, but I do love my dad and it's one of his favorite shows. Of course, he does have terrible taste in TV shows. I suppose we can't all be perfect...

He was pretty coherent at first, but then things went downhill. He's definitely getting more confused. He seems to have forgotten how to use a cell phone. He started smoking a cigarette that didn't exist, then looked puzzledly at his hand trying to figure out where it went. This stuff would be funny if it wasn't so heartbreaking... I'm just watching him slip away.

It got to the point where I was just watching him to make sure he took another breath. He's practically gasping at times. And he's so tiny... I truly don't understand how he's still alive. There is absolutely nothing left on his bones...

I don't know if he'll make it to the end of the week at this point. I feel very confused right now. Just very confused and foggy... I don't know a better way to describe it.

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