Monday, November 24, 2014

42. If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret? What can you do now to make sure that doesn’t happen?

I think more of my regrets are based on things I have done, rather than things I have yet to do.  I wish I'd made better decisions. I wish I'd learned more from my mistakes, instead of repeating the same patterns. I regret not taking charge of my life earlier. Focusing on crisis management put me behind on building myself up.

I know I need to be more proactive and plan better, rather than putting off the hard tasks and decisions. I need to stop giving into the grayness when it comes on me. I don't want to waste my life feeling sad. I need to find stability. I do find breaking down tasks into smaller steps helps. I've also found working out helps. It helps me get rid of a lot of anger and frustration.  So, I guess feeling better for a few hours after a good workout is still better than not at all. Maybe more refocusing will be good for me.

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